
Myanmar (also known as Burma) is a beautiful country bordered by Thailand, Laos, China, India and Bangladesh. The population is approximately 54 million people, 80 percent are Buddhist and three quarters live in rural areas. There are over 650,000 villages in Myanmar.

While lacking material wealth, the Burmese are extremely resourceful. Their houses are traditionally made largely from bamboo. Roof coverings are made of a variety of materials including thatch made from broad-leafed grass or palm fronds. The men of the village are the farmers and much of the farming is still done by hand and animals without machines. Much of their staple food comes from local plants, trees and crops.  

Problems in everyday life can include water shortages, no electricity (three quarters of the population have no access to electricity), flooding, termite damage and insect problems. Myanmar is finally reforming and things are changing, yet despite this progress, more than a quarter of Myanmar's population still live in poverty.